02 June, 2007

Support for L' Association "Le Monde De Jose Reyes"

Hey Hey Gang!
I thought I would post this on behalf of a friend of mine.
Here is the link to Canut's blog where you can get more information on what this is all about. www.francoiscanutryes.blogspot.com
Basically what this is. Canut is looking for support his association to honor his father and what he has given to the world. Jose Reyes is the father of not only the Reyes brothers of Gipsy Kings fame but He is also one of the founding fathers of Gypsy music. Canut is seeking recognition for what his father has given not only to Arles but the world. So please check out his blog and offer your support!!
Thank you!!

1 comment:

Gigi said...

hey Mel! been reading chica!!! awesome-- just too cool! Nice idea for Canut's blog thing! keep us posted on the progress... **bisous**