24 July, 2007

Jose Reyes A small homage to one of the fathers of Gypsy Music..

The video in my blog is of Jose Reyes, in the middle, Manuel Arenas,to the left and Bambo Baliardo to the right. Jose Reyes along with Manitas De Plata, along with these guys and handful of other artists are single handedly known as the "Fathers of Gypsy music" I believe that the video was taken some time in the mid 70's... I know there are a whole bunch of you out there who have seen this one before and have it actually linked to your sites... I wanted to put this on my blog to introduce those people who don't know about Gypsy music to it's foundation.. Where it all began, so to speak...
Jose Reyes, is also the father of the Reyes brothers of Gipsy Kings fame... His soul stiring voice and unique brand of "Cante Jundo" (Deep song) has captured my heart.. It has been almost thirty years since he last stepped foot on this earth but his voice is timeless.... One note from that golden voice and you hear countless generations of Gypsies that came before him... He is now the standard from which all Cantaors in the Camargue go by..... But that's just my opinion........Needless to say I owe a great debt to him, for without this man, we would not have the music of his son's in our world.
I feel honored and blessed to know his sons.. Through them I have had the honor of knowing a little bit about their father and his music...
Enjoy this clip...

23 July, 2007

Back from the land of Wagner..

Oh la la!!

Well, that was an interesting two weeks...

Sorry I haven't been around for while... Actually I made the best of it... I got to know some interesting people and now I have a place to stay should I ever find myself in St Petersburg. I had the chance to work with a great bunch of people, our local crew was a group that I had worked with at the Met before so it was very easy for all of us to work together and we are all friends so it was nice... I met some wonderful ladies from Russian company.. Lena was the one that I worked closest with.. It was fun, she spoke Spanish so there was hardly any comunication gap... It was fun but I am glad it's over.... I am in the process of a transition. Deciding if I really want to head back to the Opera this season. 12 years there is enough, at least for right now... At this point I think I need to spread my wings a little and see what is out there..

Well, I did it 12 years ago when I moved here from Colorado... Now I think it's time to do it again.... One would thing that at 35 I would start to think about setteling down??? NAW!! I'll let someone else live that life... I need something just a little more challenging then 9 to 5....

14 July, 2007

Happy Bastille day!!

HAPPY BASTILLE DAY!!! So everyone get out there eat your stinky cheese drink that bottle of wine that you smuggled back from your last trip to France... Smack the one you love with a large baguette and don't for get to polish your Patanque balls.... Today is your day, French citizens and Francophiles alike, to celebrate like the french do...... OH LA LA!!!!! Well, I figured to day was a good day to get back to the ole blog.. I am sorry I haven't been around for a while.. For the past week and a half I have been working at the Met doing the Kirov Opera's production of the Ring cycle... Oh la la Russian Opera at its finest.... tee hee... Actually it's been a hoot.... It's Wagner's epic masterpiece of the gods VS. man.. Well, some of you may be familiar with the Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd "Kill the Wabbit...."

(image courtesy of Chuck Jones and Warner Bros. Company) I love the fact that this music is so universal that most everyone knows it from a Bugs Bunny Cartoon... So that's what has been keeping me busy and somewhat out of trouble for the past week and a half.. I am not sure how much more of this normalcy (is that a word?) I can stand, however..... I am in desperate need of a Gitano fix.... HOW MANY DAYS UNTIL AUGUST 10???? Oh well, that's all for now gang.

04 July, 2007


De viajes y dolores yo regerese, amor mio,
a tu voz, a tu mano volando en la guitarra,
al fuego que interrumpe con besos el otono,
a la circulacion de la noche en el cielo.
Para todos los hombres podo pan y reinado,
pido tierra para el labrador sin ventura,
que nadie espere tregua de mi sangre o mi canto.
Pero a tu amor no puedo renunciar sin morirme.
Por eso toca el vals de la serena luna,
la barcarola en el aguade la guitarra
hasta que se doblegue me cabeza sonado:
que todos los sesvelos de mi vida tejieron
esta enramada en donde tu mano vive y vuela
custodiando la noche de viajero dormido.
Pablo Neruda
My Love, I returned from travel and sorrow
to your voice, to your hand flying on the guitar,
to the fire interrupting the autumn with kisses,
to the night that circles through the sky.
I asked for bread and dominion for all;
for the worker with no future I ask for land.
May no one expect my blood or my song to rest!
But I can not give up your love , not without dying.
So: play the waltz of the tranquil moon,
the baracole,on the fluid guitar,
till my head lolls, dreaming:
for all my life's sleeplessness has woven
this shelter in the grove where your hand lives and flies
watching over the night of the sleeping traveler.
Pablo Neruda
Translated by Stephen Tapscott

03 July, 2007


Just thought I would share this with everyone!! Tee hee!!! This is my nephew Ryan... And my new body guard!! I think I am pretty safe.... I would highly suggest that anyone who is in need of any type of personal protection hire a 2 year old.... Hey if anything they'll give the bad guys bloody shins....

01 July, 2007


De las estrellas que admire, mojadas

por rios y rocios diferentes,

yo no escogi sino la que yo amaba

ydesde entonces duermo con la noche.

De la ola, una ola y otra ola,

verde mar verde frio, rama verde,

yo no escogi sino una sola ola:

la ola indivisible de tu cuerpo.

Todas las gotas, todas las raices,

todos los hilos de la luz vinieron,

me vinieron a ver tarde o temprano.

Yo quise para mi tu cabellera.

Y de todos los dones de mi patria

solo escogi tu corazon salvaje.

Pablo Neruda

Of all the stars I admired, drenched

in various rivers and mists,

I chse only the one I love.

Since then I sleep with the night.

Of all the waves, one wave and another wave,

green sea, green chill, branchings of green,

I chose only the one wave,

the invisible wave of your body.

All the waterdrops, all the roots,

all the threads of light gathered to me here;

they came to me sooner or later.

I wanted your hair, all for myself.

From all the graces my homeland offered

I chose only your savage heart.

Pablo Neruda

Translated by Stephen Tapscott