04 July, 2007


De viajes y dolores yo regerese, amor mio,
a tu voz, a tu mano volando en la guitarra,
al fuego que interrumpe con besos el otono,
a la circulacion de la noche en el cielo.
Para todos los hombres podo pan y reinado,
pido tierra para el labrador sin ventura,
que nadie espere tregua de mi sangre o mi canto.
Pero a tu amor no puedo renunciar sin morirme.
Por eso toca el vals de la serena luna,
la barcarola en el aguade la guitarra
hasta que se doblegue me cabeza sonado:
que todos los sesvelos de mi vida tejieron
esta enramada en donde tu mano vive y vuela
custodiando la noche de viajero dormido.
Pablo Neruda
My Love, I returned from travel and sorrow
to your voice, to your hand flying on the guitar,
to the fire interrupting the autumn with kisses,
to the night that circles through the sky.
I asked for bread and dominion for all;
for the worker with no future I ask for land.
May no one expect my blood or my song to rest!
But I can not give up your love , not without dying.
So: play the waltz of the tranquil moon,
the baracole,on the fluid guitar,
till my head lolls, dreaming:
for all my life's sleeplessness has woven
this shelter in the grove where your hand lives and flies
watching over the night of the sleeping traveler.
Pablo Neruda
Translated by Stephen Tapscott

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
Poetry is very much like the heart.
No matter where you are in this world it can take you to where you want to and should be. It's a very beautiful thing.
Your friend and compatriot,
Alexa ;-}