Waoh it's been a while since I last posted to the ole blog.
A whole lot has happened since my last post...
I have an ongoing exhibit of my photographs of the Gitan of Arles up in "chez Paul"
I have an ongoing exhibit of my photographs of the Gitan of Arles up in "chez Paul"
It is the Reyes Family Bar.. and I have had the wonderful chance to be able to displat my work in such a fantastic space. The expo it self was in conjunction with the dedication of the "Place de Jose Reyes" Which was on September 27th... oof bad me hasn't posted anything about it... here is a link to my photographs that I took from that day.... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=6705&l=7ca8f&id=1384823477
I'll add a few pics of the day... Just to give ya a peek... I have a full gallery on my face book.
Also since, my last post I went back to America for three weeks..... Got the chance to see my amigos in NY and spent 10 days in Colorado.... And my mom and i spent a couple of days in Santa Fe New Mexico... As soon as I get the pics off of my new camera i'll post those as well.
At this point I can't remember what i did with the connection chord to my camera.....
Eh i'll figure it out one of these days....
They certainly know how to party and enjoy themselves, going by your pictures!
C'est Gitan!!
This is what is best about the Gitan. Their love of family,
and most of all their love of life.
Hello Mel,
Je suis contente de découvrir ton blog, tu as fais de très belles photos. Nous avons passé la soirée chez Ali à la Roquette Le vendredi 26 septembre, te souviens-tu? Viens voir mes photos...
Hello from New Jersey Mel,
Hope you still remember me!
I am already on pins & needles awaiting for Tuesday's show in NYC @ the BB King Club.
Are you still in France? I'm always returning to your blog to look for updates or just to read your tales over & over.
Someday soon I shall make it to Saintes Maries.
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