some new ones were made that night. And an incredible night of music.
As you all know Canut is part of a remarkable musical family. But for me, Canut is not just a gifted musician, he is a poet, a dreamer, an artist..... Some of those things are often said about Canut. He has the power, through his song to touch the soul... Not to many artists do that. If you sit and really listen to him, he tells his entire life story, with just a song. I have been truly blessed to know he and Catherine as friends. My life here in Arles has been a truly blessed one. It has been filled with remarkable moments. Sharing time with such a gifted soul is truly one of those moments.
I wanted to take this time to thank both Catherine and Canut for being such dear friends to me. It is an honor to have you both in my life. Canut you have inspired me to do great things with my art. You have also inspired me to create with my heart and my soul. Thank you also for giving me the inspiration to follow my heart's song.
And Catherine JUST THANK YOU!!!
10000 besos!!
Merci à toi, Melissa, pour ces mots qui nous vont droit au coeur. Canut et Catherine
Yes Melissa, friends are very special people and make life better for being there. It is always good to say thank you every once in a while to let them know how much they mean to you. So I say THANK YOU to you for being my friend. I hope all those that read this will do the same for all thier friends and make it a better day for all.
You are an inspiration. God Bless You.
Your friend for ever and always.
Love Alexa
Oui Melissa, les amis sont gens très des spéciaux et font l'améliorer de vie pour est là. C'est toujours bon dire merci vous chaque une fois un peu plus tard les permettent de sait combien ils vous signifient. Donc je dis MERCI VOUS à vous pour est mon ami. J'espère tout ceux-là qui ceci lisent feront le même pour tous amis de thier et le font un meilleur jour pour tout. Vous êtes une inspiration. Dieu Vous Bénit. Votre ami pour jamais et toujours. Aimer Alexa
Sí Melissa, los amigos son personas muy especiales y hacen la vida mejor para está allí. Es siempre bueno decir gracias permitirles de vez en cuando para saber cuánto ellos significan a usted. Así que digo GRACIAS a usted para es mi amigo. Espero todo ésos que leen esto harán el mismo para todos más tus amigos y lo harán un mejor día para todo. Usted es una inspiración. Dios Le Bendice. Su amigo siempre y siempre. Adore Alexa
The man really is an artisic genius in every sense of the word. To be able to express yourself in so many art forms - music, poetry, painting - really is a gift. And the rest of the family doesn't fair too badly either!!
Can't wait to see them at Kew Gardens next month.
Keep the blogs coming Melissa - I've just had a hip relacement and my computer is my connection with the outside world at the moment - I NEED ENTERTAINING!!
Take care
Thanks for sharing, that is really too funny an outfit that Canut is wearing, hey what happened to the video button on your camera??? Id like to hear him play impromptu, that'll be a treat...
As I have said: C'est Canut. He is truly a unique soul. I am blessed to have he and Catherine as friends.
As for the videos well, I had to get special permission from Canut himself to put these photographs up. When Canut played that night It was for a very small group of people... I am kinda stingy when it comes to sharing stuff tee hee. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to share some of my toys..
Hope y'all understand.
Canut, toujours en mode... :) these are cool Mel!
Great photos! You're very lucky to know a living genius such as Canut.
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